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R&R Insurance Blog

Prepare for Flu Season | Get Your Flu Shot

Posted by Taylor Hahn


The flu shot is not only crucial for protecting yourself from the flu, but it also plays a significant role in preventing the spread of the virus to others. Getting vaccinated not only keeps you healthy but also helps to safeguard those around you, especially vulnerable populations such as the elderly and young children.

We strongly encourage you to watch this video and take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from the flu. Stay informed, stay protected, and let's work together to create a healthier environment for everyone.

Reach out to our own Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss next steps as many of our other employer groups have found this to be a successful approach.

Topics: Wellness

Member Satisfaction in Corporate Wellness Programs

Posted by Taylor Hahn


Creating satisfaction in a wellness program is essential for its success. To achieve this, it is crucial to design a program that not only entices individuals to participate but also meets their expectations. By implementing certain strategies and best practices, you can ensure that participants are not only attracted to the program but also find it fulfilling and enjoyable.

By providing a variety of options, participants can choose activities that align with their interests and preferences. This not only increases the likelihood of participation but also enhances the overall experience. 

Another important aspect of creating satisfaction in a wellness program is to prioritize participant feedback. Regularly seeking input from participants allows you to understand their needs and preferences better. This feedback can be gathered through surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one conversations. By actively listening to participants' opinions and incorporating their suggestions, you can tailor the program to meet their expectations, resulting in higher satisfaction levels.

To discover a wealth of information, including a variety of strategies and best practices, click here

Reach out to our own Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss next steps as many of our other employer groups have found this to be a successful approach.

Topics: Wellness

Why Have Worker's Compensation Insurance?

Posted by Sabrina Kosiboski


Brian Beans  - Workers Comp Infographic-1Your employee Bob cut his finger off at work while trying to race through his job at the end of the day. Is Bob’s best move to call a lawyer and sue your company? Generally speaking, the answer is no. Wisconsin law says his exclusive remedy is the Worker's Compensation insurance system. 

Worker’s Compensation insurance provides wage replacement and medical care to injured employees who were hurt during employment. Nearly all businesses with employees in the United States require companies to carry it. How did this come about, and why should you, as a business owner, be okay with another costly expense for your organization?

From the late 1800s to the early 1900s, we went from an agricultural to an industrial society. Back then, if you had an accident at work, such as losing your finger, you would have to sue your employer in a civil court under tort (negligence) law.

Most employees would not win these cases. A significant issue with filing a tort action was requiring a worker to prove that the injury occurred because the employer was more negligent than the employee. Employers had three solid law defenses:

  1. The worker was more negligent
  2. The worker knew of the dangers involved and “assumed risk”
  3. The injury occurred because of the negligence of a “fellow employee”

Employees were upset because they had injuries and a hard time winning in court. Business owners weren’t thrilled either, getting dragged into court and piling up legal expenses. The only winners in this system seemed to be the lawyers. In the early 1900s, there was a movement to create a more balanced system and what came out of that movement has been called the Grand Compromise.  

In 1911, the state of Wisconsin adopted the first successfully implemented Workmen’s Compensation Law, which soon after spread throughout the country state by state. These laws require an employer to purchase worker’s compensation insurance which compensates an injured worker for injuries that arise from the job, regardless of whose fault the injury might be.


Under the law, workers are entitled to statutory wage loss benefits, the cost of medical treatment, and certain disability payments if applicable. Each state creates its own calculations and formulas for what an employee is entitled to for a specific injury. For example, the state has a formula that says the loss of Bob’s finger will entitle him to $X dollars, and that’s it. The system is far more predictable for employers and employees. 

R&R Insurance’s Executive Claim Consultant Brian Bean has a great way of describing it, “Worker’s Compensation is its own little world.” The “no-fault” system means work comp operates by its own set of rules, principles, and laws very different from other forms of insurance.

Employers that figure this out quickly function better in this little world. Employers that might suspect employees of negligence and push back too hard on filing and paying out Worker’s Compensation tend to have more problems in claims management and could find themselves in an unnecessary lawsuit.

That said, not every injury at work is a Worker’s Compensation claim. There are some requirements:

  1. There must be an “employer” and “employee” relationship subject to the Workers Compensation Act.
  2. An employee is acting in the course and scope of their employment and not deviating (see this presentation for a deep dive on the topic).
  3. An employee sustains an injury arising from that employment.

A good way to control your risk in this area is to set clear policies regarding employee behavior in your employee handbook and enforcing those rules consistently. Review your policies and practices. What is usual and customary for your company? For example, what rules do you have against horseplay, and what restrictions do you have on a company vehicle use?

Incident investigations are another critical but often overlooked aspect of workers' compensation claims. Best practices require that you quickly investigate any incident that might be related to work comp and liability issues. Having a proper list to go through an investigation could significantly help when dealing with workers comp.

Time and time again, it has been shown that the faster you get the facts and lock in the statement after all accidents, the better the decision-making process is at the beginning of a claim and the better the outcome. 

If you owe it, you owe it. If the claim is compensable, it should be handled quickly to avoid unnecessary litigation. If the claim is questionable, you can preserve evidence and build your defense. 

Lastly, educate yourself and those in management positions about Worker's Compensation, know your company's policies, and ensure rules are consistently enforced.  

So, why have Worker's Compensation insurance?

Workers comp insurance balances the competing interests of employers and employees when an employee is injured. The employee gets his medical bills and lost wages paid, and everyone saves on litigation costs. 

You can learn more about workers' compensation in each state you operate in, know your own company's rules and practices, and make sure you investigate incidents quickly. If you do these things, you will get better, less costly outcomes in your workers' compensation claims. 

Topics: Insurance, Workers' Compensation

Fun Ways to Stay Active this Summer

Posted by Taylor Hahn


The summer season presents endless possibilities for enjoying the great outdoors and exploring new activities. Regardless of your age, engaging in physical activity can have numerous benefits for your overall wellbeing, both physically and mentally. Exercising in nature is particularly effective in enhancing mood, reducing stress levels, and alleviating symptoms of depression.

Summertime is the ideal time to explore new activities that not only get your heart pumping but also allow you to enjoy the warmth and sunshine. However, it's important to be cautious of the hot and humid weather, as it can increase the risk of heat-related illnesses. By taking appropriate precautions, you can ensure that your summer activities are both safe and enjoyable.

To discover a wealth of information, including a variety of exciting activities to try and valuable tips for staying safe during the summer season, delve into the following article.

Reach out to our own Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss next steps as many of our other employer groups have found this to be a successful approach.

Topics: Wellness

How to Speak About Mental Health

Posted by Taylor Hahn


Your language matters, and it is important to make a conscious effort to reduce the stigma and discrimination for those living with a mental illness and their families. 

Below are some common terms and their definitions as well has a handy visual chart that shows the words and phrases you should use and which ones you should try to avoid.

Mental Health Language

Some terms you may hear when someone refers to their personal mental health issues include "peer," "survivor," "person with lived experience," or "person in recovery," among others. Mental health providers still routinely use the terms "consumer," "client," and "patient" depending on the specific treatment setting. At the National Association of Mental Illness (NAMI), they use the terms "peer" to describe anyone who identifies as living with a mental illness, and "family member" to describe anyone with a loved one who lives with a mental illness. 


Stigma is when  someone views a person in a negative way just because they have a mental health condition. Stigma often stems from lack of understanding or fear and can lead to discrimination. One contributing factor to the stigma around mental illness is language. Decreasing stigma through language helps to increase support and awareness or people living with a mental illness. 

Person-First Language

Person-first language places the emphasis on the individual, rather than on their diagnosis or condition. A person is not their disorder, they are neighbors, parents, siblings, professionals, friends, family, colleagues, loved ones. The person should always be placed first, then their condition second. Using person-first language can help to reduce and eliminate stereotypes and stigma.

Mental Health Language

Additional Mental Health Resources

Bring a presentation to your company! The presentation would touch on the following:

  • Mental Illness & Mental Health 101
  • Who is NAMI & Local Resources
  • Integrating Workplace Wellness into your Corporate Culture
  • Balancing Life Transitions in the Office & at Home
  • Active Listening for those Disclosing or Experiencing Mental Illness
  • Custom Presentations

Contact: nami@namiwisconsin.org

NAMI Wisconsin - A family-based, grassroots support and advocacy  organization.

Reach out to our own Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss next steps as many of our other employer groups have found this to be a successful approach.


Topics: Wellness

Summer Safety Tips - Skin Cancer Prevention

Posted by Taylor Hahn


As the summer months approach and we want to maximize our time outside, it is important to remember sun safety tips. We spend so much of these months at festivals, the lake, up north, etc. But, skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States.

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, 5 million people will receive treatment for skin cancer each year. In addition, it is important to educate yourself about skin cancer health disparities.

What ethnicity is most affected?

  • 1 in 38 White people
  • 1 in 167 Hispanic people
  • 1 in 1,000 Black people

While screening and early detection are key for skin cancer, it is also equally important to focus on prevention. Please view these summer safety tips and share with your employees as we kick off our enjoyable summer!

Reach out to our own Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss next steps as many of our other employer groups have found this to be a successful approach.


Topics: Wellness

U.S. Faces Shortage of Mental Health Professionals

Posted by Taylor Hahn


The latest Health Resources and Services Administration data estimates that 122 million Americans (37% of the population) live in areas with a mental health professional shortage. It would take an additional 6,398 mental health providers to fill those gaps. Mental health shortages across the nation range in severity but are generally found in rural areas.

Experts predict that within the next year, the United States will be short between 14,280 and 31,109 mental health professionals.

“We have a chronic shortage of psychiatrists, and it’s going to keep growing. People can’t get care. It affects their lives, their ability to work, to socialize or even to get out of bed,” (Saul Levin, MD, CEO and Medical Director of the American Psychiatric Association).

Amid this shortage, we have included a few definitions and resources to help with mental health issues. The graphic below breaks down the difference between mental health, mental illness, mental wellbeing, and mental fitness. 

Mental Health GridMental health is all around us, but it’s often misunderstood. This Roadmap to Mental Health includes some quick info to help demystify what we mean by “mental health” and how to talk about it. Although it can be difficult to talk about mental health in the workplace, doing so benefits everyone. When employers and managers address mental health, employees are happier, productivity improves, and the workplace becomes a healthier environment.

Reach out to our own Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss next steps as many of our other employer groups have found this to be a successful approach.


Topics: Wellness

What does the EEOC say about using AI in the Hiring Process?

Posted by Brian Bean

Update: 5/19/2023

The EEOC has just posted additional guidance on the use of AI in hiring practices. The guidance can be found here and pretty much follows what I recorded on the video and wrote below. Here is a summary of the guidance in bullet points: 

  • AI is not, by itself, going to solve discrimination issues 
    • You still have to monitor your selections
    • Review choices against parameters you set so they don't have a disparate impact
  • Your organization can't hind behind 3rd party software
    • The buck stops with the employer
  • As suspected, there is a safe harbor provision
    • The EEOC wants you to review your selection criteria and correct adverse impacts

Artificial intelligence is becoming ubiquitous, and it has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of society, including human resources. However, there are also risks associated with the use of AI, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is paying close attention to this issue.According to a recent hearing by the EEOC, there are many potential benefits to using AI in the employment process, such as streamlining the hiring process and saving time and money. However, there are also many risks associated with AI, and the EEOC is interested in all aspects of the employment relationship.One of the biggest concerns about using AI in the hiring process is the issue of "garbage in, garbage out." This means that if the data used to train the AI is biased, the results will be biased as well. Additionally, AI changes how it makes decisions over time, sometimes with unpredictable results. This means that even if the AI is unbiased when it is first implemented, it may become biased over time.The EEOC launched the Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Fairness Initiative in 2021 to study the use of AI in the employment process. In 2022 they released their first technical assistance document, which focuses on the Americans with Disabilities Act. While this document is not a regulation, it provides guidance for employers who are considering using AI in the hiring process.The EEOC is most concerned with the four stages of the hiring process that are most easily affected by AI: announcing the job, reviewing applications, screening candidates, and final selection. Large companies may create their own AI software, but most businesses will buy software from third party vendors. This means that they may not be able to control the biases in the data used to train the AI.The use of AI in the employment process has potential benefits, but there are many risks that need to be fleshed out  As we await further guidance from the EEOC, employers should be aware of the risks associated with AI and take steps to ensure that their systems comply with employment discrimination laws. 

Topics: EPLI

Tips for Reducing Financial Stress

Posted by Taylor Hahn


According to Enrich.org, "A Northwestern Mutual study found that 44 percent of Americans stated that financial concerns were their number one stressor, with more than one in four feeling depressed about finances at least monthly and two out of ten feeling depressed weekly, daily, or hourly."

Whether it be the swipe of a card, or the handing over of a paper bill, people are impacted by finances daily. The toll is not just on one's bank account. Larger effects include physical and mental health symptoms, negative implications within the workplace, and developing a vicious cycle that furthers these negative effects. 

mental health cycle image


According to WebMD, "if your financial wellness is low and you have high financial stress, you're twice as likely to have poor overall health. Experts found that you're four times as likely to get some sort of condition."

Effects on Physical Health Effects on Mental Health
  • Headaches / Migraines
  • A weakened immune system
  • High blood pressure
  • Issues with digestive system
  • Muscle tension
  • Heart arrhythmia
  • Sleep problems
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Sleeplessness

A Money and Mental Health survey of nearly 5,500 people with mental health problems found that, while unwell:

  • 93% spent more than usual
  • 92% found it harder to make financial decisions
  • 74% put off playing bills
  • 71% avoided dealing with creditors
  • 56% took out a loan that they would not otherwise have taken out

Tips to gain better financial wellbeing, according to HelpGuide.org:


  • Tip 1: Talk to someone
    • Get professional advice
    • Open up to friends and family
  • Tip 2: Take inventory of your finances
    • Include every source of income
    • Keep track of ALL your spending
    • List your debts
    • Identify your spending patterns and triggers
    • Look to make small changes
    • Eliminate impulse spending
    • Go easy on yourself
  • Tip 3: Make a plan and stick to it
    • Devise a solution
    • Put your plan into action
    • Monitor your progress
    • Don't get derailed by setbacks
  • Tip 4: Create a monthly budget
    • Include everyday expenses in your budget
      • i.e. groceries, gas, rent/mortgage, utilities, clothes, etc. 
    • Remember annual expenses
      • i.e. car insurance, property taxes, etc. 
    • Unexpected/Variable expenses
      • i.e. medical expenses, car repairs, etc. 
    • Prioritize your spending
      • pay the necessities first, such as covering the electrical bill and buying groceries. After those are covered, figure out where the rest can go, such as debt payments, entertainment, etc. 
    • Start an emergency fund
      • start building up to one month's income
    • Enlist support from your spouse, partner, kids
  • Tip 5: Manage your overall stress
    • Exercise
    • Practice relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga
    • Improve your sleep
    • Eat a balanced diet
    • Boost your self-esteem
    • Practice gratitude
Reach out to our own Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss next steps as many of our other employer groups have found this to be a successful approach.


Topics: Wellness

Wisconsin Manufacturers and Their “Total Cost of Risk”

Posted by TJ Schlundt



Over the past several years the manufacturing sector has been challenged with supply chain issues, labor shortages, state sponsored hacking, potential for a recession and many more. Because of certain economic and social impacts, manufacturers have been forced to look at their companies “Total Cost of Risk” in a whole different light.

A company’s Total Cost of Risk is a sum of an organization’s operations that relate to risk, including, but not limited to:

  • Direct & indirect loss costs
    • Direct costs include deductibles or uncovered losses whereas indirect costs include loss of use, lost productivity, and lost contracts due to not fulfilling orders
  • Administrative expenses and services
    • These are clerical, claim, and other administrative personnel costs to find, implement and manage the businesses risk management systems, programs, and claim incidents
  • Risk control expenses
    • Risk control are costs measures to prevent or reduce the size of accidental losses. Money spent on risk control can greatly reduce the other three parts of the total cost of risk.
  • Insurance premiums, taxes and fees
    • Typical insurance coverages including property, liability, workers compensation, etc.

Long gone are the days of simply relying on your insurance broker to construct an insurance policy for your company. R&R Insurance Services manufacturing and distribution practice group serves as an extension to your team. Developing specific strategies to address issues like safety, cyber security, risk transfer, product liability and product recall, employee wellness, claims management, and your insurance program is what R&R Insurance Services has prided ourselves on for nearly 50 years. In now our third generation of family ownership we believe our industry experience sets us apart. We’re ready when you are! Click here to learn more.