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R&R Insurance Blog

March is National Nutrition Month

Posted by Taylor Hahn

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In the spirit of National Nutrition Month, it's essential to keep in mind the importance of balance when it comes to our dietary choices. Maintaining a healthy diet doesn't have to be overwhelming or require strict adherence to rigid rules. By focusing on incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods into our meals, we can nourish our bodies and support overall well-being. Let's strive for a balanced approach to eating that promotes health and enjoyment without unnecessary restrictions.

Watch this month's video here. 

Reach out to our experienced Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss the next steps. Many of our other employer groups have found this approach to be incredibly successful.


Topics: Wellness

Winter Weather Safety: Preventing Slip and Fall Injuries

Posted by Nick Steiner

As the cold weather sets in, it's crucial to be aware of the dangers that come with it, especially the risk of slip and fall injuries. At R&R Insurance, we understand the importance of safety, which is why our loss control consultant, Nick Steiner, is here to share some valuable tips to help you navigate the icy conditions safely.

The Cost of Complacency

In 2021, the average claim for slip and fall injuries was nearly $50,000. This staggering amount highlights the need for vigilance and precaution during the winter months. By following these simple yet effective tips, you can prevent accidents and ensure the safety of yourself and others.

Footwear Matters

One of the first steps to prevent slips and falls is to choose the right footwear. Opt for shoes with wide, non-slip soles and deep treads. Avoid wearing heels, dress shoes, or any footwear that lacks proper traction. The right shoes can provide the stability you need on slippery surfaces.

Stay Alert to Changing Conditions

Winter weather can be unpredictable, with cycles of freezing, melting, and refreezing. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and be prepared for changing conditions. This awareness can help you anticipate and navigate slippery areas more safely.

Step Safely

When getting out of your vehicle or stepping off curbs, remember to step down, not out. Use your vehicle for added stability and step down with both feet to maintain balance. This simple change in habit can significantly reduce the risk of falls.

Follow Marked Pathways

Resist the temptation to take shortcuts. Marked pathways are often cleared and salted, providing the safest route of travel. By sticking to these paths, you can avoid unexpected icy patches.

Take Your Time

Speed is not your friend on ice and snow. Slow down and take small, careful steps to maintain your footing. Rushing can lead to slips and falls, so give yourself extra time to reach your destination.

Keep Your Hands Free

Try to carry only what is necessary and keep your hands free for balance. Use a backpack or bags to carry your belongings, and avoid overloading yourself.

The Penguin Shuffle

Embrace the penguin shuffle! Walk flat-footed and take short steps to keep your center of balance over your feet. This technique can help you maintain stability on icy surfaces.

Avoid Distractions

Put away your cell phone and focus on your surroundings while walking. Distractions can lead to accidents, so it's important to stay alert and aware of potential hazards.

Report and Act

If you spot icy conditions, report them to your employer or property owner so they can take action. Additionally, if salt is available, take the initiative to spread it on slippery areas to prevent accidents.

Stay Safe with R&R Insurance

At R&R Insurance, your safety is our priority. We hope these tips help you navigate the winter weather safely. For more information on this topic or any other services we provide, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Stay safe and take care!

Topics: Safety, Business Insurance

February is American Heart Month

Posted by Taylor Hahn

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February is American Heart Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about heart health and promoting ways to prevent heart disease. It serves as a reminder for all of us to take care of our hearts and make positive lifestyle changes that can lead to a healthier future. 

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, affecting both men and women of all ages. By highlighting American Heart Month, we aim to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their heart health and encourage them to take proactive steps towards a healthier lifestyle. This includes adopting a heart-healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, managing stress levels, and quitting smoking if applicable.

This month's Taylor Talks provides more information on American Heart Month and a heart healthy recipe!

Watch this month's video here. 

Reach out to our experienced Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss the next steps. Many of our other employer groups have found this approach to be incredibly successful.


Topics: Wellness

January is Thyroid Awareness Month

Posted by Taylor Hahn

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As we move into 2024, the significance of workplace wellbeing remains paramount. We are excited to announce that our esteemed Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, will be introducing a series of monthly wellbeing content, Taylor Talks, that is not only easily comprehensible but also serves as a valuable asset for your employees. Let's kick off the year by acknowledging Thyroid Awareness Month.

Watch this month's video here. 

Reach out to our experienced Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss the next steps. Many of our other employer groups have found this approach to be incredibly successful.


Topics: Wellness

Tips to Combat Holiday Stress

Posted by Taylor Hahn

Photo by Rodion Kutsaiev

If the holiday season tends to leave you feeling overwhelmed and powerless, rest assured that you're not alone. And if your festive spirit and positive intentions have been dampened by the Grinch, don't worry! Here are some helpful tips to reclaim your joy and maintain your well-being.

Reach out to our experienced Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss the next steps. Many of our other employer groups have found this approach to be incredibly successful.


Topics: Wellness

How to Continue Healthy Habits During the Holidays

Posted by Taylor Hahn


As the holiday season approaches, so does the excitement of attending parties and gatherings with loved ones. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's evoke thoughts of cherished family moments, joyful friendships, and delightful feasts. However, it is during this time that millions of Americans face the challenge of maintaining their weight while being tempted by all the delectable holiday treats.

The aroma of freshly baked pies fills the air, and the sight of beautifully decorated cookies beckons us from every corner. It's easy to get carried away and indulge in all the mouthwatering dishes that are synonymous with the holiday season. But fear not, for with a little planning and self-control, you can still enjoy the festivities without derailing your health and fitness goals.

Included in this guide are a plethora of valuable tips to help you maintain your wellbeing throughout the holiday season, while still allowing yourself to savor those delectable treats. 

Remember, the holiday season is a time for celebration and enjoyment. It's perfectly okay to indulge in your favorite holiday treats, but it's also essential to maintain a healthy balance. By practicing portion control, prioritizing healthier options, staying active, and staying hydrated, you can navigate the holiday season without sacrificing your well-being. 

Reach out to our own Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss next steps as many of our other employer groups have found this to be a successful approach.

Topics: Wellness

Prepare for Flu Season | Get Your Flu Shot

Posted by Taylor Hahn


The flu shot is not only crucial for protecting yourself from the flu, but it also plays a significant role in preventing the spread of the virus to others. Getting vaccinated not only keeps you healthy but also helps to safeguard those around you, especially vulnerable populations such as the elderly and young children.

We strongly encourage you to watch this video and take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from the flu. Stay informed, stay protected, and let's work together to create a healthier environment for everyone.

Reach out to our own Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss next steps as many of our other employer groups have found this to be a successful approach.

Topics: Wellness

Member Satisfaction in Corporate Wellness Programs

Posted by Taylor Hahn


Creating satisfaction in a wellness program is essential for its success. To achieve this, it is crucial to design a program that not only entices individuals to participate but also meets their expectations. By implementing certain strategies and best practices, you can ensure that participants are not only attracted to the program but also find it fulfilling and enjoyable.

By providing a variety of options, participants can choose activities that align with their interests and preferences. This not only increases the likelihood of participation but also enhances the overall experience. 

Another important aspect of creating satisfaction in a wellness program is to prioritize participant feedback. Regularly seeking input from participants allows you to understand their needs and preferences better. This feedback can be gathered through surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one conversations. By actively listening to participants' opinions and incorporating their suggestions, you can tailor the program to meet their expectations, resulting in higher satisfaction levels.

To discover a wealth of information, including a variety of strategies and best practices, click here

Reach out to our own Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss next steps as many of our other employer groups have found this to be a successful approach.

Topics: Wellness

Why Have Worker's Compensation Insurance?

Posted by Sabrina Kosiboski


Brian Beans  - Workers Comp Infographic-1Your employee Bob cut his finger off at work while trying to race through his job at the end of the day. Is Bob’s best move to call a lawyer and sue your company? Generally speaking, the answer is no. Wisconsin law says his exclusive remedy is the Worker's Compensation insurance system. 

Worker’s Compensation insurance provides wage replacement and medical care to injured employees who were hurt during employment. Nearly all businesses with employees in the United States require companies to carry it. How did this come about, and why should you, as a business owner, be okay with another costly expense for your organization?

From the late 1800s to the early 1900s, we went from an agricultural to an industrial society. Back then, if you had an accident at work, such as losing your finger, you would have to sue your employer in a civil court under tort (negligence) law.

Most employees would not win these cases. A significant issue with filing a tort action was requiring a worker to prove that the injury occurred because the employer was more negligent than the employee. Employers had three solid law defenses:

  1. The worker was more negligent
  2. The worker knew of the dangers involved and “assumed risk”
  3. The injury occurred because of the negligence of a “fellow employee”

Employees were upset because they had injuries and a hard time winning in court. Business owners weren’t thrilled either, getting dragged into court and piling up legal expenses. The only winners in this system seemed to be the lawyers. In the early 1900s, there was a movement to create a more balanced system and what came out of that movement has been called the Grand Compromise.  

In 1911, the state of Wisconsin adopted the first successfully implemented Workmen’s Compensation Law, which soon after spread throughout the country state by state. These laws require an employer to purchase worker’s compensation insurance which compensates an injured worker for injuries that arise from the job, regardless of whose fault the injury might be.


Under the law, workers are entitled to statutory wage loss benefits, the cost of medical treatment, and certain disability payments if applicable. Each state creates its own calculations and formulas for what an employee is entitled to for a specific injury. For example, the state has a formula that says the loss of Bob’s finger will entitle him to $X dollars, and that’s it. The system is far more predictable for employers and employees. 

R&R Insurance’s Executive Claim Consultant Brian Bean has a great way of describing it, “Worker’s Compensation is its own little world.” The “no-fault” system means work comp operates by its own set of rules, principles, and laws very different from other forms of insurance.

Employers that figure this out quickly function better in this little world. Employers that might suspect employees of negligence and push back too hard on filing and paying out Worker’s Compensation tend to have more problems in claims management and could find themselves in an unnecessary lawsuit.

That said, not every injury at work is a Worker’s Compensation claim. There are some requirements:

  1. There must be an “employer” and “employee” relationship subject to the Workers Compensation Act.
  2. An employee is acting in the course and scope of their employment and not deviating (see this presentation for a deep dive on the topic).
  3. An employee sustains an injury arising from that employment.

A good way to control your risk in this area is to set clear policies regarding employee behavior in your employee handbook and enforcing those rules consistently. Review your policies and practices. What is usual and customary for your company? For example, what rules do you have against horseplay, and what restrictions do you have on a company vehicle use?

Incident investigations are another critical but often overlooked aspect of workers' compensation claims. Best practices require that you quickly investigate any incident that might be related to work comp and liability issues. Having a proper list to go through an investigation could significantly help when dealing with workers comp.

Time and time again, it has been shown that the faster you get the facts and lock in the statement after all accidents, the better the decision-making process is at the beginning of a claim and the better the outcome. 

If you owe it, you owe it. If the claim is compensable, it should be handled quickly to avoid unnecessary litigation. If the claim is questionable, you can preserve evidence and build your defense. 

Lastly, educate yourself and those in management positions about Worker's Compensation, know your company's policies, and ensure rules are consistently enforced.  

So, why have Worker's Compensation insurance?

Workers comp insurance balances the competing interests of employers and employees when an employee is injured. The employee gets his medical bills and lost wages paid, and everyone saves on litigation costs. 

You can learn more about workers' compensation in each state you operate in, know your own company's rules and practices, and make sure you investigate incidents quickly. If you do these things, you will get better, less costly outcomes in your workers' compensation claims. 

Topics: Insurance, Workers' Compensation

Fun Ways to Stay Active this Summer

Posted by Taylor Hahn


The summer season presents endless possibilities for enjoying the great outdoors and exploring new activities. Regardless of your age, engaging in physical activity can have numerous benefits for your overall wellbeing, both physically and mentally. Exercising in nature is particularly effective in enhancing mood, reducing stress levels, and alleviating symptoms of depression.

Summertime is the ideal time to explore new activities that not only get your heart pumping but also allow you to enjoy the warmth and sunshine. However, it's important to be cautious of the hot and humid weather, as it can increase the risk of heat-related illnesses. By taking appropriate precautions, you can ensure that your summer activities are both safe and enjoyable.

To discover a wealth of information, including a variety of exciting activities to try and valuable tips for staying safe during the summer season, delve into the following article.

Reach out to our own Strategic Wellbeing Consultant, Taylor Hahn, to discuss next steps as many of our other employer groups have found this to be a successful approach.

Topics: Wellness