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R&R Insurance Blog

Understanding the Difference Between Experience Mod and DART Rate

Posted by Maureen Joy

Fully understanding your organization’s Work Comp Experience Mod and OSHA DART Rate will not only help you achieve your desired outcomes for employee safety, but will also give you a point of reference for benchmarking against others in your industry. In addition, knowing your DART rate will help you prepare for a potential site visit from OSHA.


However, in order to better understand these you two variables, you need to first recognize the difference between the two. The following is a breakdown of their differences:





The Work Comp Experience Mod is a numerical expression of a company's accident and injury record compared with the average for the firm's industry. An organization’s e-mod is calculated using payroll and loss data for the oldest three of the last four years.


An experience mod of 1.0 means a company has an average safety record, while an experience mod of 0.80 means a company has a good safety record that merits a 20 percent discount. An experience mod of 1.20 means the firm's accident rate is above the industry norm and raises a company's costs by 20 percent.



OSHA’s DART Rate, which is an acronym for Days Away or Restricted Time, is a measure of accident severity. It counts the number of cases in the calendar year in which a company had an employee away from work due to an injury or who was working under restrictions due to a work injury.


As you can see from the breakdown above, the common denominator between these two variables is eliminating lost time injuries. R&R Insurance has multiple resources available for helping you understand as well as achieve your desired outcomes for both your Experience Mod and DART Rate. Contact a knowledge broker for additional information.

Topics: OSHA, Workers Compensation, Experience MOD, Business Insurance, DART rate