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R&R Insurance Blog

OSHA | New Electronic Recordkeeping Requirements

Posted by John Brengosz

OSHA-Recordkeeping.jpgUpdated June 29, 2017: OSHA Delays Electronic Recordkeeping Deadline to December 1, 2017


Mandatory reporting of OSHA is just around the corner! Be sure you are completing your OSHA 300 log accurately because you will very likely be sending the information to OSHA in 2017.

OSHA has updated the rules that pertain to the reporting of workplace injuries and illnesses. The new rule requires certain employers to electronically submit injury and illness data beginning in 2017. The goal is to encourage employers to better identify hazards, address safety issues, and prevent future injuries and illnesses.

New Requirements:

  • Employers with 20-249 employees in high-hazard industries must electronically submit their OSHA 300A form for the year 2016. – Effective December 1, 2017 (originally July 1, 2017)
    • These same employers must electronically submit their OSHA 300A information for 2017 by July 1, 2018. Beginning in 2019, these employers must submit their OSHA 300A information (for 2018) by March 2, 2019.
    • These same employers must electronically submit their OSHA 300A, OSHA 300 and 301 forms. – Effective July 1, 2018.
    • Beginning in 2019, these employers must submit OSHA information (for 2018) by March 2, 2019.
  • Employers with 250 or more employees in industries covered by the record-keeping regulation must electronically submit their OSHA 300A form for the year 2016. – Effective December 1, 2017 (originally July 1, 2017)


Submission Year

 Establishments with 250 or More Employees

 Establishments with 20-249 Employees

 Submission Deadline


 Form 300A

 Form 300A

December 1, 2017


 Forms 300A, 300, 301

 Form 300A

 July 1, 2018


Forms 300A, 300, 301

Form 300A

March 2, 2019


In addition to these upcoming requirements, the information submitted will also be posted publically on the OSHA website. For more information about the new OSHA recordkeeping requirements, contact a Knowledge Broker or register for our upcoming webinar.

Topics: OSHA, osha 300 log recordkeeping, OSHA requirements, OSHA 300 webinar, OSHA 300 log, OSHA recordkeeping, recordkeeping requirements

OSHA Reporting | New for 2015

Posted by John Brengosz

OSHA 2015 ReportingWhat is currently required to be reported to OSHA?

  • All work related fatalities
  • Work-related hospitalizations of 3 or more employees

Starting 1-1-2015, what will employees have to report to OSHA?

  • All work-related fatalities (within 8 hours of finding out about them)
  • All work-related inpatient hospitalizations of 1 or more employees
  • All work-related amputations
  • All work-related losses of an eye

Important note on who is covered by this ruling
All employers under OSHA jurisdiction must report the 4 events listed above and this includes even small employers with less than 10 employees. (who are exempt from OSHA record-keeping)

How soon must these be reported?

  • Fatality: within 8 hours of finding out about it or if the death occurs within 30 days of a work-related incident.
  • For inpatient hospitalization, amputation and eye loss, employers must report within 24 hours of learning about it. (employers only have to report an inpatient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye that occurs within 24 hours of a work-related incident.)

How do I report one of these events to OSHA?

  • CALL: Your local OSHA office or use the 24 hour hotline at 1-800-321-6742
  • ELECTRONICALLY: OSHA is working to have this in place soon! (www.osha.gov)

What information do I need to report?

For fatality, inpatient hospitalization, amputation or loss of an eye, report the following:

  • Company name
  • Location of the incident
  • Time of the incident
  • Type of injury sustained
  • Number of employees who suffered the event
  • Names of the employees involved
  • Contact person and his/her phone number
  • Brief description of the work related incident

Employers DO NOT have to report an event if it:

  • Resulted from a motor vehicle accident on a public street or highway. (it does need to be reported if the event happened in a construction work zone)
  • Occurred on a commercial or public transportation system (airplane, subway, bus, ferry, streetcar, light rail or train)
  • Occurred more than 30 days after the work-related incident if a fatality or more than 24 hours after the work related incident in the case of an inpatient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye.

What about heart attacks?

Employers do have to report an inpatient hospitalization due to a heart attack, if the heart attack resulted from a work-related incident.

2015 OSHA reporting explained: download flow chart


NOTE: In the same ruling, OSHA has also changed the list of occupations that are now required to complete the OSHA 300 log. It is important to note that employees who had fewer than 10 employees in a calendar year are still exempt from having to complete an OSHA 300 log.

For the new list of industries now required to complete a 300 log as well as additional information can be found at: www.osha.gov/recordkeeping2014.


Have additional questions? Contact your knowledgebroker.

Topics: Safety, OSHA, Accident Investigation, OSHA 2015, OSHA requirements, Business Insurance