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R&R Insurance Blog

OSHA | New Electronic Recordkeeping Requirements

Posted by John Brengosz

OSHA-Recordkeeping.jpgUpdated June 29, 2017: OSHA Delays Electronic Recordkeeping Deadline to December 1, 2017


Mandatory reporting of OSHA is just around the corner! Be sure you are completing your OSHA 300 log accurately because you will very likely be sending the information to OSHA in 2017.

OSHA has updated the rules that pertain to the reporting of workplace injuries and illnesses. The new rule requires certain employers to electronically submit injury and illness data beginning in 2017. The goal is to encourage employers to better identify hazards, address safety issues, and prevent future injuries and illnesses.

New Requirements:

  • Employers with 20-249 employees in high-hazard industries must electronically submit their OSHA 300A form for the year 2016. – Effective December 1, 2017 (originally July 1, 2017)
    • These same employers must electronically submit their OSHA 300A information for 2017 by July 1, 2018. Beginning in 2019, these employers must submit their OSHA 300A information (for 2018) by March 2, 2019.
    • These same employers must electronically submit their OSHA 300A, OSHA 300 and 301 forms. – Effective July 1, 2018.
    • Beginning in 2019, these employers must submit OSHA information (for 2018) by March 2, 2019.
  • Employers with 250 or more employees in industries covered by the record-keeping regulation must electronically submit their OSHA 300A form for the year 2016. – Effective December 1, 2017 (originally July 1, 2017)


Submission Year

 Establishments with 250 or More Employees

 Establishments with 20-249 Employees

 Submission Deadline


 Form 300A

 Form 300A

December 1, 2017


 Forms 300A, 300, 301

 Form 300A

 July 1, 2018


Forms 300A, 300, 301

Form 300A

March 2, 2019


In addition to these upcoming requirements, the information submitted will also be posted publically on the OSHA website. For more information about the new OSHA recordkeeping requirements, contact a Knowledge Broker or register for our upcoming webinar.

Topics: OSHA, osha 300 log recordkeeping, OSHA requirements, OSHA 300 webinar, OSHA 300 log, OSHA recordkeeping, recordkeeping requirements

Public Sector Employers Are Not Exempt From OSHA Reporting

Posted by the knowledge brokers

Municipalities, public schools and anyone employing "public sector" employees must complete an OSHA 300 log. The deadline is March 1 each year for public sector employers. Additionally, they are required to annually complete form SBD-10710 which is the same information that is on the OSHA 300A form. Unlike OSHA that requires completion of the log by companies that employ 10 or more employees, the Wisconsin Department of Commerce makes no distinction. Whether municipalities have 1, 100 or 1,000 employees, the log must be completed.

Topics: OSHA, Schools, Municipalities LWMMI, Educational Services, Wisconsin department of commerce, OSHA 300 log, SBD-10710