With the onset of Obamacare and the need for individuals to make decisions about their own health insurance purchases, I thought it appropriate to share the information we received from the Wisconsin Office of the Commisstioner of Insurance, (OCI).
Taken directly from the press release dated September 3, 2013:
The Wisconsin Office of Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) has completed its initial analysis of rate filings in the individual market.
View Percent Increase Chart published by the OCI.
"While the exchange in Wisconsin will be run by the federal government, insurers wanting to offer coverage in the exchange had to file their rates with OCI. With our review of the exchange rate filings completed, we have attempted to compare what Wisconsin consumers are paying today to what plans will cost post 2014 under the new federal health law," stated Commissioner Nickel. "The truth is that comparisons are difficult because rates are going to vary based on age and where you live."
"With that said, from our analysis, it appears premiums will increase for most consumers. And, while there is no question that some consumers will have subsidies and may not pay these higher rates," Commissioner Nickel continued, "someone will pay for the increased premiums whether it is the consumer or the federal government."
Wisconsin Health Exchanges Offer Slim Pickins
How to Get, or Keep, Health Insurance if You Are Self Employed
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Individual Health Insurance
7 Tips on How To Pick The Best Individual Health Insurance Coverage
Wisconsin residents: for more information about Obamacare, PPACA or individual health insurance, please contact knowledgebroker Jane Shevey.
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