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R&R Insurance Blog

Life Insurance isn't for You, it's for Them

Posted by Tom Driscoll

By Tom Driscoll, Financial Advisor at R&R Wealth Management

handsYou may have heard it said before, but it bears repeating: Life insurance isn’t for you, it’s for them—for the people who mean the most to you, for the loved ones who depend on your care, your income, and your protection.

As a Financial Advisor, I often encounter people who delay purchasing life insurance. Whether it’s due to misconceptions about the cost or the thought that “it won’t happen to me,” the reality is that life is unpredictable. The time to secure life insurance is when you’re in good health, and the sooner you act, the more affordable it can be.

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

Life Insurance Awareness Month is an opportunity to reflect on your current situation and ask yourself: Have I taken the necessary steps to protect my family’s future? The statistics are eye-opening—too many families are one unexpected tragedy away from financial devastation. In fact, a significant portion of Americans are either underinsured or have no life insurance at all.

Throughout September, we encourage you to take a moment to review your life insurance needs. Have you recently had a major life change, like the birth of a child, a new home, or a change in income? These are all pivotal moments when your life insurance coverage should be evaluated and updated.

What Life Insurance Does for Your Loved Ones

Think about it: Life insurance ensures that your loved ones won’t face financial burdens should something happen to you. It helps pay off mortgages, cover educational expenses, and even replace lost income. While you won’t directly benefit from the policy, your family will have the financial stability to move forward. It’s not for you, it’s for them.

Take Action Today

As you look forward to the rest of September, take a proactive step toward securing your family’s future. Contact me today, and we can talk about how easy and beneficial life insurance can be. It doesn’t have to be a complex decision, but it does need to be made with care and understanding. Life insurance is one of the best ways to ensure that the people who depend on you will continue to thrive, no matter what life throws their way.

Let’s have a conversation. See how affordable it can be to protect your most important assets—your loved ones. After all, life insurance isn’t for you, it’s for them.

Tom Driscoll
Financial Advisor at R&R Insurance
📧 tom@rrwma.com | 📞 (262) 953-7246

Topics: life insurance awareness month

NFL Superstar Boomer Esiason's Story About Losing a Parent Without Life Insurance

Posted by Tom Driscoll

CTA_10_Questions_BoomerRecord setting NFL quarterback Boomer Esiason lost his mother when he was 7 years old. His mother died without life insurance. What a difference life insurance would have made for Boomer's father and sisters.

“We were very lucky we had neighbors who could help out and make sure I was being looked after while my dad was at work,” says NFL great Boomer Esiason, who realized the struggles his dad faced after his mother died. "I learned at 7 that no one is guaranteed a tomorrow, so I’d probably look them in the eye and say, "Just imagine if something happened to you and you hadn’t done the planning. The people you leave behind will feel the brunt of your mistakes."

As spokesperson for Life Insurance Awareness Month, he’s an advocate of both working and stay-at-home parents getting proper life insurance coverage. More of Boomer's story...

Free Download: 10 Questions for Boomer: Learn the connection between football and Life Insurance from Boomer's point of view.

Related article:

  • "Big As Life" as seen online with A.M. Best Company - Boomer is the 2014 National Spokesperson for Life Insurance

For more information about life insurance, estate planning and mortgage protection, contact knowledgebroker Tom Driscoll.


Topics: Life Insurance, Business Continuation, Mortgage Protection, Financial Services, tom driscoll, life insurance awareness month, Boomer Esiason, boomer's story

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

Posted by Tom Driscoll

mom with kids on couchHeld each September, Life Insurance Awareness Month is an industry-wide effort that is coordinated by the nonprofit LIFE Foundation. The campaign was created in response to growing concern about the large number of Americans who lack adequate life insurance protection.

Roughly 70 million adult Americans have no life insurance, and 11 million households with children under 18 have not life insurance. To top that off, most of those who dohave life insurance have far less coverage than most financial experts recommend.

For more information on life insurance, visit LIFE’s website at www.lifehappens.org. In addition, they have a very cool mosaic going on with "Insure Your Love" that is worth a look!

Two main reasons for taking care of life insurance when you are younger:

  1. You are just that - younger! Premiums are based on age and health - take advantage of your youth
  2. You are healthier - again - take advantage of that

Most mid-life people I know really regret not taking care of their life insurance when they were younger. If they had, they would have saved themselves a lot of money!

For more information about life insurance, estate planning, business continuation and annuities, contact knowledgebroker Tom Driscoll.



Topics: Life Insurance, Mortgage Protection, Financial Services, tom driscoll, insure your love, Business Insurance, life insurance awareness month, lifehappens.org