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R&R Insurance Blog

Fire and Burn Prevention

Posted by the knowledge brokers

According to the Home Safety Council, fires and burns are the leading causes of unintentional home injury death among children younger than 15 in the United States. Fire prevention is key, here are some tips to make your home safer:

Fire Prevention Tips

  • Store matches and lighters out of sight and reach of children in a locked cabinet.
  • Stay in the kitchen at all times when food is cooking on the stove.
  • Only adults should light candles and stay in the room when they are lit.
  • Make a fire escape plan. Find two exits out of every room and an outside meeting place away from the home. Practice a fire drill twice each year with all members of your family.

Burn Prevention Tips

  • Turn pot handles away from stove’s edge and use back burners whenever possible to keep
    small hands from getting burned.
  • Enforce a “kid-free zone” of three feet around the stove area.
  • Test the temperature of your water. If it is hotter than 120 degrees F, turn down the
    water heater dial.
  • If you or someone gets burned, immediately use cool water to stop the damage from getting worse. Keep the burn in cool water for 3-5 minutes. Even after the heat source is removed, the burning in the skin can continue for several minutes. Do not use ice, ice water or butter on the burn.

Wisconsin residents, make sure you have the proper coverage for any type of catastrophic loss and contact knowledgebroker, Dan Wolfgram today!

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