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R&R Insurance Blog

Trade Credit Insurance | A Sales Growth Solution

Posted by the knowledge brokers

vlad-deep-mCqi3MljC4E-unsplashIn simple terms, Trade Credit Insurance protects B2B companies or sellers of goods and services against bad debt, including insolvency, slow payment, and political risks. When these issues arise, they can be detrimental to a business. In fact, approximately 82% of bankruptcies are triggered by cash flow problems caused by issues like customer non-payment. In addition, accounts receivables typically represent more than 40% of a company's assets, and one in ten invoices becomes delinquent.

When should businesses consider Trade Credit Insurance?

Trade Credit Insurance applies to businesses of all sizes and in a variety of industries. Trusted Choice states that companies that sell goods and services on credit terms rather than requiring payment up front are exposed to the risk of nonpayment and should consider this coverage. In addition, companies that work with international exports have an increased risk and should take this insurance into account as well.

While there are alternatives to Trade Credit Insurance, they may not be the best option for businesses. According to James Daly, CEO and President of Euler Hermes, the main alternative is self-insurance, a practice many US organizations opt for. Businesses can put a reserve on their balance sheet to cover any bad debt that may occur over the year. However as Daly states, "rather than have capital in your balance sheet doing nothing but waiting for bad debt, why not purchase Trade Credit Insurance and then invest that excess capital into growth or new products?"

How can Trade Credit Insurance benefit your business?

Trade credit solutions can support sales growth while reducing trade risk and giving you the ability to:

  • Avoid catastrophic bad debt losses
  • Expand sales to new and existing customer with less risk
  • Secure better borrowing terms with a lender
  • Reduce bad debt reserves
  • Enhance credit department efficiencies and results

The value of Trade Credit protection extends well beyond the insurance policy.  A key benefit is the extensive financial database available from partners of R&R such as Euler-Hermes, the world's largest Trade Credit provider. The information available at their fingertips provides proactive notifications and protection from adverse financial issues that could be developing with your key business partners. In addition, their data is an excellent evaluation tool when making decisions on partnering or prospecting potential growth partners. 

As a partner of premier trade credit insurers, R&R can assist your company with properly protecting its largest asset - accounts receivable. Contact a KnowledgeBroker for more information.

Topics: Business Insurance