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R&R Insurance Blog

Lawmakers Taking Steps to Stop Cyberbullying

Posted by the knowledge brokers

Cyberbullying is still a topic that schools and parents continue to wrestle with. According to Francisco Negron, Chief Counsel for the National Association of School Boards, “Until the Supreme Court takes up this issue, the law still lags behind  the reality of how we live.”  See what districts around the country are doing to take a stand against cyberbullying.

The Cyberbullying Research Center estimates 20 percent of students admitted to cyberbullying someone.  The most common forms of cyberbullying is posting mean comments and spreading rumors online.

Where does the responsibility lie?  With the parents?  With the principals?  Today, the standard is that a principal can take action only if it causes a "disruption" in a school environment.  Example: a cruel text is sent on a cell phone that results in a fight in the school cafeteria.

This leaves a lot of gaps in responsibility and lawmakers are stepping up to develop discipline procedures.  Schools and officials are doing their best to hold students accountable.  Below are some interventions in an attempt to fill the gaps:

  • Legislation: 49 states have anti-bullying laws (up from 20 in 2003)
  • Technology: educate kids where they spend their time - in social media platforms
  • Prevention: incorporate social and emotional skills in to curriculum and daily school life

Read more about how to protect yourself and your children on social networks.