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R&R Insurance Blog

2017 Breach Forecast: Healthcare will be most targeted sector

Posted by the knowledge brokers

Cyber Healthcare.png2017 Data Breach Forecast Report from Experian:

"Of the potential sources for a breach, electronic health records (EHR) are likely to be primary target for attackers. The portable nature of his information and the number of different entities and end-points that need access to them mean the potential for them to touch a vulnerable computer system is high. While there may be significant protections in place to secure them in transit, it only takes one compromised or outdated system to lead to exposure. Further as more healthcare institutions deploy new mobile applications, it's possible that they will introduce new vulnerabilities that will also be attractive targets for attackers."

"Ransomware attacks may also move from just locking systems to outright stealing information to either sell or leverage for identity theft. Additionally, with the recent Office of Civil Rights (OCR) guidance classifying ransomware attacks as requiring consumer notification, we are likely to hear about a larger number of these types of cases when compared to other sectors".

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Topics: Cyber