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R&R Insurance Blog

OSHA Injury Tracking Application - New Initiative

Posted by Maureen Joy

oshaOSHA started a new initiative this year: if the OSHA 300A data an employer submits to the Injury Tracking Application (ITA) shows the rates are above their industry averages, then that employer will receive an email. The email is informational only and obligates an employer to do nothing. As with every employer, regardless of their rates, OSHA encourages frequent review of safety and health efforts.

As always, we are here to answer any of your OSHA questions - please reach out to your KnowledgeBroker or view one of our OSHA webinars.

For your information, below is an excerpt of the email: 

Dear Employer:

OSHA recognizes that the DART rate does not necessarily indicate a lack of interest in workplace safety and health. If you are one of the many employers who would welcome help from experts in workplace safety and health, OSHA has many compliance assistance resources, several of which are at no cost and confidential.

If you are a small employer with fewer than 250 workers on-site and no more than 500 workers corporate-wide, OSHA’s On-Site Consultation Program is available to you. This program is administered by state governments completely separate from OSHA’s enforcement program. The program assists employers to identify and eliminate or control hazards effectively and economically. More information on this program, including contact information for the local office in your state is available at https://www.osha.gov/consultation.

OSHA has resources to assist a company to develop and implement a safety and health program. Such a program to find and fix workplace hazards before they cause injury or illness can proactively reduce injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. Not only do employers experience dramatic decreases in workplace injuries, but they also often report a transformed workplace that can lead to higher productivity and quality, reduced turnover, reduced costs, and greater employee satisfaction. If you use the On-Site Consultation Program, the state consultant can help you develop an injury and illness prevention program. More information can be found on the OSHA webpage at www.osha.gov.

Other avenues to address this issue include hiring an outside safety and health consultant, working with your insurance carrier, or contacting your state’s workers’ compensation agency for advice to address a high DART rate. In addition, engaging your workers to identify hazards and find solutions is a proactive method to resolving safety and health hazards.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration


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