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R&R Insurance Blog

5 Things Every Employee Can Do to Help Save Money on Health Care Costs

Posted by Riley Enright

Steth_MoneyHere are 5 easy things to remember to help save yourself some money when it comes to your own health care costs.

1) Compare costs of health care services

  • Check with your doctor or health care facility and compare the cost of services before receiving care
  • Make sure the charges are covered by your health care plan.
  • Employees can use health care transparency tools to help estimate costs.

2) Prescription choices

  • Generic prescriptions are a great choice for less cost.
  • Utilizing a split-pill or mail order program can also save you a lot of money.

3) Choose In-Network Options

  • Choose in-network providers.
  • When doctors order routine lab work or when you enter a health care facility for services, always as for an in-network option.

4) Save emergency rooms for emergencies

If you are not experiencing a true emergency, visit your doctor or go to a walk-in clinic.

5) Take care of health conditions before they become costly

  • Costs related to chronic conditions can be kept in check when employees learn how to improve their overall health.
  • Participation in an annual bio metric screening is a good way to start understanding your own health.

For more information about WellCompForLife, about self-funding your health insurance plan, health care reform or basic employee benefits questions, contact knowledgebroker Riley Enright.

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Topics: Employee Benefits, Personal Insurance, WellCompForLife