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R&R Insurance Blog

LGPIF: Restrictions to Flood Coverage

Posted by Scott Brookes

floodmapThe LGPIF form now excludes loss from Flood, water below ground, back up of sewers and drains outside of the building.

Coverage is now excluded:

  • If you are in a flood zone as defined by FEMA, National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) – Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM)
  • If water below ground exerts pressure on or flows into your facility
  • If sewer, septic system, and storm or sewer drains outside your building overflow and the water enters your building from a source other than your drains

At R&R Insurance, we have the ability to help you evaluate your exposure. We know how to research and read the NFIP – FIRM data. We can help you understand your exposure and offer alternative solutions. Please contact me to see if your building is in a flood zone.

Free LGPIF Webinar

Topics: Schools, Business Insurance, Municipalities LWMMI