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R&R Insurance Blog

Intent to Audit - DOL Headed for PPACA!

Posted by Jane Shevey

DOLThe Secretary of Labor shall have the power, in order to determine whether any person has violated or is about to violate any provision of this title or any regulation or order thereunder...to make an investigation, and in connection therewith to require the submission of reports, books, and records, and the filing of data in support of any information required to be file with the Secretary under this title...

The above is a small part to the DOL's "Intent to Audit' letter employers have or will be receiving. There is an extensive push from the DOL to police ERISA and PPACA compliance to the extent that their 2013 budget included the hiring of more than 1000 auditors! However, the biggest issue is that most employers don't know that they are out of compliance or how to become compliant.

The DOL's audit letters are looking for information and documentation concerning particular aspects of the PPACA, such as the plan's grandfather status, coverage for adult children, lifetime and annual limits, and claims and appeals procedures

Employers should consider taking a serious look at their group health plans, not only for compliance with the PPACA, but also with the long standing mandates for group health plans - ERISA, HIPAA, COBRA and others laws.

If you have any questions regarding your ERISA, HIPAA, or PPACA compliance or any issues regarding your health insurance or benefits packages, please contact knowledgebroker Jane Shevey.

Topics: Employee Benefits, Health Reform, Business Insurance