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R&R Insurance Blog

Fictitious Letters From Julie Weynel, Senior Procurement Officer - DOT

Posted by John Brengosz

There has been another round of fraudulent letters issued to U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) contractors and potential contractors purporting to be issued by DOT.  This new string of letters appears to be from the "U.S. Department of Transportation Procurement Office" and signed by a fictitious name of "Julie Weynel – Senior Procurement Officer."

The letters are attempting to obtain banking information from the targeted companies. These fraudulent letters request that current or potential contractors register by submitting their company's financial information on a release form entitled, "Authorization to release financial information".  Please note that DOT does not require any financial information to be submitted in order to be eligible for procurement.

Please be aware of this fraudulent financial data collection activity and be suspicious when banking information is requested from you.

You can also find more information at the following USDOT OIG Web sites listed below:
