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Mary Szalanski

Recent Posts

The Benefits of Electronic Funds Transfer

Posted by Mary Szalanski

Mon, May 18, 2015 @ 09:05 AM

Woman-on-LaptopR&R is continually looking for ways to improve your insurance experience. If you have not already been set-up for the program, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) will benefit you in more ways than one. Here are just a few of the advantages:

  • Save Time – Signing up for the EFT will simplify your life and the payment process, and it only takes a few minutes to set up. Payments will occur automatically, saving you time, reducing your mail and giving you peace of mind.
  • Save Money – Most insurance companies waive the installment transaction fee - or even reduce your premium - if you use their EFT Program. Either way you’ll save on the cost of postage, checks, and you’ll never have to worry about a $10 late fee again.
  • Improve Credit Score – The prompt, on time, and consistent payments of bills will help you improve your credit score even more. No more late bills!

If you are intersted in learning more about how EFT works as part of your customized insurance program, or to set up your account on EFT, please contact us!

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