We've had clients experience Arc Flash injuries and they're not pretty. In addition, this is another area where OSHA compliance is required.
We've had clients experience Arc Flash injuries and they're not pretty. In addition, this is another area where OSHA compliance is required.
Topics: OSHA Compliance, Chuck Fox, Arc Flash, Electrical Preventative Maintenance
In this installment, Mark Wilcox of WI No Slip Floors provides a demonstration of his product that reduces slip and falls. He has a slip and fall solution for every type of floor (except carpet). His product has all sorts of applications for a variety of different industries. The product demonstration begins at the 8:30 mark in the video.
Topics: Premises Liability, Workers Compensation, Experience MOD
Dick Deschane is an Account Manager with Access, a company that provides risk management for businesses and organizations of all types through programs for records management, document imaging, document and IT desctruction, and backup tape archiving and rotation. Access is the largest independently owned company in this industry in the U.S. and offers solutions both locally and nationally.
Topics: Business, Protection, Safety
Posted by John Brengosz
Topics: Safety Inspection, Loss Control
Posted by Scott Brookes
An underwriter from Travelers provides you with some though-provoking information. A manufacturing client had the opportunity to meet with an underwriter, Julie Pichler, from Travelers, who has been underwriting for over 20 years. Beyond just an introduction, the purpose of the meeting was to discuss Business Income and Extra Expense coverage.
Topics: Underwriter, 52 in 52, Travelers Insurance
Posted by Resource Center
Steve Kohlmann discusses the offerings and mission of the Independent Business Association of Wisconsin (IBAW). The mission is simple: To enhance the Wisconsin environment for independent business through active member participation in the political process. To encourage the growth and development of the Wisconsin business owner through education. To develop a strong support system and network for business owners throughout Wisconsin. R&R's Pete Frittitta has participated as a speaker on ObamaCare. Because of that, Steve was asked to share more about this organization.
Topics: Independent Business Association of Wisconsin, ObamaCare
Nicole Hottmann from the Alaris Group discusses their 24/7 Nurse Care Hotline service. It offers a lot of benefits to employers and employees and it's their fastest growing service offering. Alaris offers a 24/7 nurse care hotline for employees to call right after an accident and those injuries are then triaged accordingly. Studies have shown that this process has reduced OSHA recordables up to 40%.
Topics: Alaris Group, OSHA, Workers Compensation
Sometimes it's difficult to bring an injured worker back to modified duty at your location. If you're NOT in a "four-wall" location, it can be even harder (trucking, staffing, construction, etc.). The Alaris Group has a program that helps employers identify alternate locations for injured workers to return to employment within their light duty restrictions. Why would you do this? It makes a dramatic impact on your work comp experience mod and workers compensation premium. There are tons of benefits for the Employer and the Employee to utilize this program beyond premium savings, which will be addressed in this segment.
Topics: Return to Work, Workers Compensation, Experience MOD
Nancy Wilkes is a PR Director for Platypus Advertising + Design. Bad things can happen to good businesses, and when they do, Nancy is there to help business owners deal with a variety of things that they likely have never been exposed to before.
Topics: Business, Crisis Management, PR
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