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Employee Directory

Jeff Sewell

Vice President of Employee Benefits Sales

Contact Information

Office Phone: 262-953-7164

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Jeff focuses on promoting consumerism in healthcare, delivering impactful messaging to substantiate where healthcare dollars go, and identifying areas of opportunity to make health benefits a win-win for employer and employees.

Jeff is primarily responsible for working directly with business decision makers to evaluate their current healthcare offerings, recognize strengths/ weaknesses, and construct a multi-year, strategic plan based on corporate financial objectives, benefit needs, wellness programs, and voluntary offerings.

How can I help you

Today's businesses have more obstacles to remain competitive than ever before. Be secure in the knowledge that our experienced team is on hand and at your side to provide customized employee benefits solutions for your business. It's our promise to help manage your healthcare costs, monitor compliance, and improve the overall health of your employees.


  • Marquette University