Webinar: Updates on Employment Discrimination and Employment Practices Liability Insurance


Cindy feels her rights are restricted by her employer's handbook, and that she did not get promoted as she expected. The handbook states that extreme political posts on social media are discouraged, especially if they involve the company. She often mentions her employer on her personal social media account, and she also posts about her favorite political party. If she feels this policy creates a chilling effect on her right to free speech, does she have a case against her company? 

In the past Cindy would have to prove her rights were being restricted, but recently that burden of proof has shifted to the company to prove otherwise. 

Updates on Employment Discrimination and Employment Practices Liability Insurance will be presented by R&R's Executive Claims Consultant, Brian Bean on March 19th.

Brian will dive into what's trending in employment discrimination and give a general overview of Employment Practices Liability Insurance policies. What's covered by EPL insurance, how a discrimination claim typically proceeds and best practices an organization can take to avoid these scenarios.

Other topics:

  • Artificial Intelligence’s growing use and its danger in employment practices claims. The EECO’s recently adopted Guidelines will be reviewed
  • GINA - Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act claims will be reviewed
  • Disability claims and reasonable accommodations analysis and how they differ between the EEOC and the states  

This webinar was recorded on March 19th, 2024.